Aldec Active-HDL Simulation Tutorial:
VHDL Design Of A 1-bit Adder And 4-bit Adder
I. Introduction
In this lab the functionality of a design, in our case a 1-bit adder,
is written in a Hardware Description Language (HDL). The
correctness of the design is verified at the software level through
simulation, thus saving critical design time.
II. Procedure
Creating the 1-bit adder
- Start ALDEC Active-HDL
- Select "Create New Design" and click OK
- Enter adder1 as the name of the project and change
the directory to c:\temp and click NEXT
- Select "Create Empty Design" and click NEXT
- Click FINISH
- Double-click on "Add New File" in the Design Browser
- Select "VHDL Source Code" and type in adder1
in the name field, click OK.
- The following is the VHDL code for the 1-bit adder.
Enter the code as seen below into the empty file.
NOTE: All lines that start with "--" are not needed.
These are comments to help you better understand what
the actual code is doing.
-- Simulation Tutorial
-- 1-bit Adder
-- This is just to make a reference to some common things needed.
-- We declare the 1-bit adder with the inputs and outputs
-- shown inside the port().
-- This will add two bits together(x,y), with a carry in(cin) and
-- output the sum(sum) and a carry out(cout).
entity BIT_ADDER is
port( a, b, cin : in STD_LOGIC;
sum, cout : out STD_LOGIC );
-- This describes the functionality of the 1-BIT adder.
architecture BHV of BIT_ADDER is
-- Calculate the sum of the 1-BIT adder.
sum <= (not a and not b and cin) or
(not a and b and not cin) or
(a and not b and not cin) or
(a and b and cin);
-- Calculates the carry out of the 1-BIT adder.
cout <= (not a and b and cin) or
(a and not b and cin) or
(a and b and not cin) or
(a and b and cin);
end BHV;
- Select the File menu and choose Save.
- Right click on "add.vhd" in the Design Browser window
and select the Compile option.
- The code should compile without any problems and the
question mark next to the add.vhd file should
change into a green check mark. If you get any errors,
check the code that you have typed agains the code
Creating testbench for the adder.
- The testbench is provided for you and is located
- Save to c:\temp\adder1\src
- Select the Design Menu and choose "Add Files to
Design" Add "add_tst.vhd" to the design.
- Right click on "add_tst.vhd" in the Design Browser
window and select the Compile option.
- Left click on the plus next to add_tst.vhd. This
will bring us the TEST_ADD entity.
- Right click on the TEST_ADD and choose Set as
Simulating the design.
- Select the "File" menu and choose the "New" option and
pick "New Waveform".
- In the Desing Browser window select the Structure tab
at the bottom of the window.
- Click on U1:BIT ADDER and drag all signals to the
waveform window.
- Select the Simulation menu and choose "Initialize
- Change the time for simulation form 100 ns to 400 ns
by clicking on the up arrow.
- Select the Simulation menu and choose Run For
- View the simulation to verify that the 1-bit adder
functionality is indeed correct.
Creating and testing the 4-bit adder
- Create a New Design by selecting the File and
choosing New Design
- The design should be called adder4 and created
in c:\temp. Click on NEXT
- Select Create an Empty Design and click on FINISH.
- Download the add4.vhd file and the
add4_tst.vhd file and save
them in the directory c:\temp\adder4\src
- Add both of these files to the design
- Compile both files and use the testbench (add4_tst.vhd)
to simulate the design
- View the simulation to verity that the 4-bit adder
functionality is correct